Everyone I personally know from TZM is very open minded and willing to work with other people (even if there are certain philosophical differences) in whatever way to move the world in a better direction. Some alternative thinkers - the point is not to automatically agree with all or most of what other people have to say - but to realize you do not have a monopoly on the truth and to listen to new information in a non judgmental way. Bruce Lipton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjj0xVM4x1I Rupert Sheldrake - The Science Delusion BANNED TED TALK has many books out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKHUaNAxsTg Gary Null - has many documentaries and other resources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwQqS0AwCtU could go on, but don't need to Matt Berkowitz uses the following study to disprove the 200+ years of homeopathy: http://www.sld.cu/galerias/pdf/sitios/revsalud/are_the_clinical-effects-of-homoeopathy_placebo-effects.pdf What makes it impossible debunk this paper, is the studies supposedly that show homeopathy doesn't work are not discussed at all, or referenced to. They searched for 110 homeopathy studies, the select 8 (which they deem to be best) for statistical analysis. Then don't ever give any detail about those studies. This is a rebuttal from homeopaths on the paper http://www.homeopathyoz.org/downloads/ECCH-Critique.pdf Also, this on the article: http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2805%2967878-6/fulltext It seems to be, that if someone really cares about truth - if they care about critical thinking, if they care about proper methodology, then when given a meta-analysis supposedly debunking something - the first thing to do is with an open and non-judgmental mind is to ask the other side for there opinion. Was this a good a study? If you fail to do that, then you're not a serious truth seeker, you're just looking for random stuff to beat some imagined opponent over the head with and gloat (which in terms of natural health care is the only thing the "skeptic movement" is out to do).